
  1. n. Progressive poker game in which players get 3 cards and 3 cards are dealt to the kitty. The lowest card in every hand is wild, and players decide “in” or “out.” An oddity of the game is that the kitty can be dealt in any order.

  1. n. Macintosh printer line analagous to the PC WinPrinter. Known as Falcon during development.

  1. n. Codename for Macintosh host-based printer project during development stages. See HX

  1. v. To crash; to cease functioning, especially a file server or software engine. Leonardo fall down go boom.

  1. n. Faux speed index of a 486/33 machine. Originally just “10” until someone realized that both 386/25’s and 386SX/16’s are also “10’s.” (To compute the faux speed index of a machine, add the chip generation number and the two digits of the oscillator frequency designation. Common values are listed below.)
Generation / SpeedFaux Speed Index
486/50fast 9
486/33fast 10
386/33slow 9
386/25slow 10
386/16super-slow 10

  1. acronym n. Font Channel Architecture, a technology used in LX products to achieve extremely accurate (better than WYSIWIG) font rendering on proprietary LM graphic displays and printers.

  1. n. In Windows, a non-moveable snippet of code stored in the task instance database of a Windows application or DLL that sets up the proper DS value before executing the associated exported function. There are also reload thunks, but they are too scary to mention. In the days of Real Mode Windows, moveable and discardable code segments, thunks of all types, and stack walking with modification put fear in the hearts of even the heartiest Windows programmers. See thunk mucking.

  1. archaic n. A technique whereby the thunks created automatically for a Windows 2.x DLL's moveable entrypoints are overwritten with JMP's in order to have one driver call items in another driver. In this case, the LX6 printer driver's DD/PI thunks were mucked so that it called the DD/PI module built into the LX6 FCA screen driver.

  1. n. The Ventura driver method of thunk mucking developed by DaveM. The tricky part is setting up a far return to a near call.

  1. n. Szechwan restaurant near the mall. Since the sign on the outside of the store is written in all capitals, it was conjectured that the name is an acronym for Graphical User Interface Lunch Input Node.