
  1. n. Like a weekend, but you don't have to come in and work. Unless you want to.

  1. n. Any day of the week reserved for Bayon. Traditionally Mondays, virtual Mondays and Thursdays for PC folk, Wednesdays for Mac folk, who always snag the big table to the consternation of those who show up later.

  1. n. A Tuesday or Wednesday after an extended weekend, for example after Memorial Day. Virtual Monday is synonymous with Bayon day. A virtual Monday is akin to the standard Memorial Day observed formerly seen on calendars.

  1. n. A software/hardware modification added to a laser printer to allow it to switch vertical resolutions (for example, 300 dpi to 400 dpi). Some HP LaserJet Series II printers (~100 in the world) were modified by R&D to run at 300 and 400. See also resolution switch.

  1. v. To switch vertical resolutions. See video switch.

  1. n. Any network connector which is unreasonably expensive or designed to prevent the use of any other vendor's hardware. Perhaps first applied in R&D Land to the Apple Ethernet Thin Coax Transceiver required to get Quadra 900's onto EtherNet.

  1. bastardization v. Reserved. All rights reversed.

  1. interj. Request for additional rice with plate held in outstretched arms.

  1. bastardization interj. Right on. Usually exclaimed after good news, or after a program hangs. Right arm, dude!

  1. vt. To gross out; to fully disgust. Even the smell of it rudes me out!