
  1. n. Food. Can be used anywhere the word “food” can be used, including compound words see buttfud. Wanna go get some fud? The most poetic and curt usage is repeatedly evidenced at late-night restaurants after bar time, the speaker hunching over a plate of eggs, bacon, and hash-browned potatoes, mouth completely full, sputtering out the corner of the mouth a crusty and barely discernable Good fud.

  2. Nebulous food unit; thing. For example, depending on who is speaking, the question Pretzel fud? could mean Want some pretzels? or May I have a couple of your pretzels? or even There are n pretzels in this bag; you may have up to n/2 of them. Ed. note: This term originates from a Far Side cartoon in which a bunch of dogs attempt to lure a cat into a clothes washer with a sign reading cat fud.