
  1. gibberish interr. A polite request to repeat the last phrase, i.e., What did you say?—I didn't catch that. See also g'hoozhmee.

  1. v.t. To trash screen data, program data, or file allocation data. Said of a misbehaving program, as in D'Oh! DUMBDrive just garped on my D: drive.

  1. v. To vomit quickly and efficiently, chiefly a single chunk or particle of food matter, which does not necessarily leave the mouth.

  1. n. 1. Project management or group leader meetings that may or may not total four people.
  2. obsolete The manglers of the four food groups: Sandwich Group, Jungle Group, Cow Group, Butterfinger Group.

  1. n. Anyone attempting to open or close the case of Mac the Knife for the first time.
  2. interj. Shouted with glee by QA Mac guys when a virgin approaches Mac the Knife, intoning the sacred chant, So… what's so hard?

  1. n. A group of people trying to fix a bug, almost always annoying the programmer whose responsibility it is to fix said bug. See drive.

  1. n. Eating, drinking and presenting things as a group. See gang programming.

  1. n. Anyone who has made proper blood sacrifice to Mac the Knife by blooding themselves and the floor in QA while opening or closing the case.

  1. n. The Macintosh Quadra 900, so called because of the continuous line of sharp-edged perforated metal surrounding the inside of the cover. Most people don't know they've been hit until they try to set the cover down and notice the blood dripping from the case. Also renouned for its 4” amplified speaker which on setting 1 sounds like most Macs turned up to 7. See also Blood Brother, Initiate and Blood Sacrifice, Virgin.

  1. n. A hondo who manages to do some remarkable and admirable task which nobody else had the time or inclination to do but which most geeks will enjoy and take advantage of. Reed got the Ren & Stimpy Mac Sounds to work on PC's—what a major hondo!