n. The bump on Smetana Drive on the way to Bayon where you must punch the gas pedal for a fun drop. Causes a cool scraping noise if there are several passengers. It is traditional to put the arms in the air and yell woooo as the bump is ridden.
n. Legend speaks of a tree near the Mark Wickham Commemorative Bump that was hit by an LM'er one winter. The tree has since been chopped down to a stump.
n. LaserMaster's first product, shipped February, 1986. The first version had 1.5M memory, a graphics coprocessor, and supported the Ricoh 4080 only. Available fonts were HP softfonts (SFP's). CAD support was added through LMPlot. See also LC2.
n. The corner at West 78th Street and Valley View Road in Hidden Prairie on the way back from the mall where there's always a part or two of a car lying in the street and where there should be a protected left-turn signal.