
  1. CASTRated + O + capSIZED v. How you feel in the morning when you wake up after having drunk and then puked the night before.

  1. spoonerism v. Stack check. Hey, you're running with chack stecking enabled?

  1. n. The familiar hissing sound made by a cool chair when the height is adjusted.

Cool chair 1. n. A cushy chair with wheels, an automatic adjustable height mechanism, and optional arms. See chair fart.

  1. bastardization n. Calculator or calculating device.

  1. n. A late-night group trip to explore local bars and nite-clubs, usually in Las Vegas during Fall Demcox. Participants are usually broken before and after the tour.

  1. n. A switch in WinPrinter Trimmage allowing one to view raw PostScript code as the interpreter eats it by pressing Ctrl-D.

  1. bastardization n. LaCroix brand mineral water, especially Lemon flavor. See Pledge Water.

  1. nickname n. Nickname for lemon Crotch Water. Said of its disgusting taste, which is not unlike the “lemon fresh” furniture polish Pledge.

The popcorn server 1. n. A hot-air popcorn popper, generally located in the kitchen in Imaging Land. When fresh popcorn is ready, it is said that the popcorn server is back up. When all the popcorn is gone, it is said that the popcorn server is down.