
  1. v. The most popular of tee-shirt sizes requested during a wardrobe enhancement handout. _See Omar the Tentmaker.

  1. n. Extra-extra-extra gihugic shirt, derived from Omar the Tentmaker. See tent size.

  1. n. Monosyllabic language concocted at Fall `90 Demcox in Las Vegas. A working definition can be obtained from anyone versed in the language.

Wooddale Church in Eden Prairie 1. n. (Also known as the mega church and the space needle) The large, ugly, metal church at the intersection of Shady Oak Road and City West Parkway.

  1. n. Use of a deslugger, as in I think we're gonna have to get some desluggage going here.

  1. v. To discard the plastic tray which carries your food items in order to fit n+m people at an n-place table.

  1. n. Name of a three-card poker game; good game to play when broken as the maximum amount lost is 75 cents per game. See Dickhead.

The Flange 1. n. A device used in Butterfly games to help track whose turn it is to deal, most useful when everyone playing is broken. Must be stolen from JamieR’s cube before, and returned after, each gaming session. In extreme cases of brokenness, there is also a sub-flange (the name of which none of us remembers) which is passed from player to player to help track whose turn it is to draw.

  1. n. A poker game commonly known in the real world as “31,” but with practical variations (see flange). The name is derived from invectives hurled at one who has most recently won a hand. See Butterfly.

  1. n. The process of getting your paycheck, going directly to the bank, and depositing it. (LaserMaster did not offer direct deposit as a benefit.)