
  1. v. Used to describe something that is atypical in a good way, as in This new compiler fully doesn't suck, or Buy LM printers—they don't suck.

The Donut Semaphore, sitting on a cube wall. 1. n. A travelling plastic donut that indicates who is responsible for purchasing donuts for Hardware Land. The donut rests on and travels with a companion metal bracket from the back panel of a PC. The bracket is poked between the metal bar and the fabric along the top of a cubicle wall.

  1. v. The LM version of a “two-fisted drinker.” Any beverage combination is acceptable, but the most common is a High Res glass of LM Drink in one hand, and a Low Res bottle or can of beer in the other.

  1. vulgar v. To urinate or defecate, usually after drinking. Good meal; now I gotta go do a download.

  1. n. Microcode.
  2. Software running on a dedicated processor. _See controller. cf. upstairs

  1. n. An airborne loaf of bread. See clud, Hackey Bread.

Hackey Bread 1. n. One-quarter to one-third of a loaf of sliced bread (preferably stale and worthless) which acts as a large Hackey Sack™ and is sometimes thrown (see brud). Leaks in the plastic bag are fixed with Scotch™ tape.

  1. interj. [I] will have to; of course. Used as a one-word affirmative response to a boolean question, for example, You goin' to the party tonight? The proper intonation of hafta is subtle: the tone rises in the first syllable and falls in the second syllable; the f is carried approximately a major fifth above the h and the a is carried back down through and sometimes slightly below the starting point at the h.

  1. v. When software or hardware freezes suddenly, completely, and inexplicably, as a wild animal caught in a trap.

  1. v. Such a thorough heek that not even the Macintosh equivalent of Ctrl-Alt-Power will clear the Macintosh.