n. A bug which changes its nature in accordance with an apparently chaotic set of rules when investigated, and becomes more difficult to reproduce and more damaging as the investigation continues. Name derived from the Heisenburg Uncertainty Principle.
A bug which occurs only in instances so unreproducible, unlikely, or complex that users who encounter it should be offered positions in QA.
n. The game of Jenga played with beer-soaked blocks. Pieces are moved with either the hands or the teeth. Pioneered by JamesL at the LX 4.00a/Old Man ToddL's Birthday Party at Club Cow.
bastardizationn. Nickname given the WinPrinter product during the first software release by software developers. To conserve paper during testing, much of the low-level queue list handling was done without paper in the tray, so it was common to see several dozen WinPrinter is out of paper message boxes per day.