v. To pass placemats, plates, silverware, drinking glasses, napkins or chopsticks to the person on your immediate left. Iterated, the most efficient means of distributing tableware at a round table.
interj. Cried out during or at completion of a shift left or shift right to prevent a buffer overflow or to signal that all table ware has been distributed.
obs.interj. A friendly greeting usually used first thing in the morning or when passing in a hallway. It is customary to bow the head slightly and optionally to put the palms together.
archaicn. Old name for DD/PI. Originally there was the DoubleJet, LaserMaster's PCL clone. Then DoubleJet native mode was added, a mode with binary line drawing commands to improve AutoCAD performance. Native mode was expanded substantially, and when font handling was added, the PCL support was dropped and it became SST, which originally stood for Super Script Turbo, but was just called SST after a while. SST became DD/PI when the display was added.