
  1. n. A mythical powder drink mix that makes you the smartest person in the world for 10 seconds, then you have to sleep for a month. See also PURGE!

  1. n. A powder drink mix that causes all orifices in your body to immediately open up and begin expunging bodily fluids. See also SPURT! Ed. note: These drinks mock the so called “smart drinks” WOW! and FOCUS! designed by “renouned” nutritionists Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw and sold via pyramid marketing scheme under the name Omnitrition International. Other designer drinks were called ...GO FOR IT!, Be Your Best!, and FIRST COURSE.

  1. n. Grape soda; any of a number of carbonated grape beverages. So named because MarkW, when asked by AaronK if he wanted a Grape Nehi, responded Purple Naga! just as he killed a White Naga while playing Moria, a widely available D&D-like game.

  1. n. A trivial task. It's just a push.

  1. n. The DisplayMaker Express print engine. Known for its bulk, occassional loud noises from the print head slamming into the end of the carriage, and early in the hot-wax development, for perhaps needing a printer on fire status bit.

  1. interj. Nebulous statement about printer. A mythical status bit on printers, become more realistic with the Python which printed using hot wax.

  1. n. A smaller gathering one night before a larger gathering, for example a New Year's Eve Eve party.

  1. [acronym] n. Personality PAL; a integrated circuit chip containing a factory-inscribed number for product differentiation by software at runtime; a special chip in the controller or board used for detecting ROB failures. Often abbreviated simply PAL.

  1. [acronym] n. Output from the LX microcode downloader when a Ripped-Off Board (identified via an illegal PPAL) is detected.
  2. interj. Exclaimed in glee when RobL makes a mistake (usually by CraigL).

  1. v. A bad thing; out of the question. Origin: Monty Python. No, that would be right out.