
  1. n. A generic brand of paper said to be the best for LaserMaster SX print engines. Example: whatever the hell we are shipping to the user this week.

Small plastic printer's loupe

  1. n. Printer's magnifier; small magnifying eyepiece.

  2. A trade show foofoo used by software engines to prove that a Trimmage thin-line problem is really the result of deep valleys and rifts in the Hammermill-Kimberly-Nekoosa Plus paper. Also sometimes used as a scud.

  1. n. A free pin, pen, bag, hat, tee-shirt, mouse pad, loupe, Slo-Poke or any such foofoo item given out by the thousands for advertising purposes at trade shows. Worn proudly by the pond scum to show off how cool they are. Collected and displayed by software engines to show how cool they are.

  1. n. Crispy french fries. Originally peculiar to AaronK, now used by a handful of others.

  1. n. A cheap Douglie's or Bugger King kiddie box, comprising a butt-toy, a hamburger or cheeseburger, kippy fy fy, and a small Choke or Diet Choke.

  1. n. The most important item in a butt-pack; something to play with or chew on while puzzling over a bug.

  1. archaic n. The Christmas tree erected by DTC on which to hang butt-toys and trade show foofoos.

  1. acronym archaic n. Digital Typeface Corporation, LaserMaster's sister company and provider of fonts par excellence.

  1. The area behind the 7182 door of R&D. Former home of DTC, the software library, and the embedded software group consisting of Jeff Pagel, Chris Schuman, Bernie DeMaster, John Clark and Susan Pearson, all dead. Later home to Tino Martinez. Also dead.

  1. See Bayon. The level of the atmosphere most conducive to the vaporization of the small red peppers sometimes mischeivously spiked into the curry chicken by the cruel and evil husband/cook of Kim Fug. Participants are said to launch into the Bayonosphere.