
  1. n. Small conference room near the 7188 entrance. Named for the skylight in the ceiling. The smaller companion conference room was often called the Sun Room Annex before MarkG took residence there.

  1. v. Opposite of “sucking up”; to curry disfavor with a mangler, for example saying How 'bout them Twins? to a Minnesota fan when they are twenty-five games out of first at the start of July.

  1. vt. To devour data, as in microcode downloading or page description interpreting. This new Rev 5 TX controller can really suck your files. See almost done sucking.

  1. v. Page will appear in the output bin shortly; controller is almost finished sucking page data.

  2. Almost functional or at least almost not broken, as in This code is almost done sucking; I just have to fix one last bug.

  1. prop. n. Witty nickname given the TrueTech Automatic Font Management TSR by its author, JohnM. The name is somewhat facetious as the program is actually very reliable, but it was first named as such because the PC-TOOLS VDEFEND program thought AFM was a virus.

  1. interj. Even less apologetic than really pretty sorry and much less apologetic than pretty sorry. Gee, I'm actually really pretty sorry about that.

  1. interj. Not very apologetic at all. See also really pretty sorry and actually really pretty sorry. Gee, I'm pretty sorry about that.

  1. interj. Less apologetic than pretty sorry, but more apologetic than actually really pretty sorry. Gee, I'm really pretty sorry about that.

  1. n. Synonym for “workaround” but implying less work and more reaching.

  1. n. According to CEO Mel Masters, this is something that you put money in one end and wait to see what neat products come out the other end. See R&D.