
  1. Still employed by LM. Same as living, opposite of dead.

  1. v. Still employed by LM. Same as alive, opposite of dead.

  1. n. Successful link.

  2. interj. Announces a successful link.

  1. flessage n. Pretzel. -lezterps n. pl.

  1. n. A lezterp with excessive amounts of salt. See naked pretzel.

  1. n. A saltless lezterp, for example Anderson Famous Bavarian Baldies. See salt-rush pretzel.

  1. interj. Used to relate non-receipt of verbal transmission, especially useful when the brain is full while multitasking or when broken. From the ASCII character NAK (21 decimal). See ACK.

  1. interr. Used to relate confusion or curiosity. From the ASCII character ENQ (5 decimal). See ACK, NAK.

  1. interj. Used to relate receipt of verbal transmission, especially useful when broken. From the ASCII character ACK (6 decimal). See ENQ and NAK.

  1. n. Said of the mouse trails option in Microsoft Windows: several latent copies of the mouse cursor participate in a trail across the screen for easier viewing on LCD displays as the mouse cursor is moved. (Double meaning if LCD is bastardized into LSD.)