
  1. n. Tanqueray and Tonic at an approximately 50-50 mixture, served traditionally by the pitcher or toilet. A potent drink, but slightly weaker than a J.D. Co' and far weaker than the Drink of Life and Death.

  1. n. An evening in which The Simpsons is broadcast on network television, Formerly Thursday night. Implied drinking involved, see Aaron party. Bart starts at 7:00 p.m.

  1. bastardization n. Diet Coke. See Choke.

  1. bastardization n. Coke; Coca-Cola. The real thing, not Pepsi, not Crystal Caffiene-free Diet Jolt. See J.D. Co'.

  1. n. A smooth alcoholic beverage consisting of Reverend Jack and Choke (rarely Diet Choke); the best drink on a Bart night or anytime at an Aaron party. See LM Drink, Drink of Life and Death.

How to make and serve a J.D. Co':

  1. Take a 12-oz. highball glass and fill it to the top with ice.

  2. Fill glass from ⅔ to ¾ full with Reverend Jack.

  3. Open a can of Choke and hand both to recipient.

  1. n. Jack Daniels brand whiskey. Best with Choke in a J.D. Co'.

  1. n. Endearing term, contrary to intuition.

  2. interj. An informal greeting, as in Good moring, smelly butt. Popular variants: sticky butt, smarmy butt stealth butt.

  1. n. Friend; amigo; endearing term spoken to someone as you pass them in the hallway or as you walk up to them to ask them a question. Chiefly used in the greeting Hey, doo-da. Slightly less friendly than smelly butt and homey. Sometimes used as a name substitute when you want to get someone's attention but can't remember their name: Doo-da? See gargoyle.

  1. bastardization of garçon n. Nebulous term similar to doo-da, but usually in combination with a request of some form. Hey gargoyle, my beer's empty. Somebody tell gargoyle over there the phone's for him. Origin: Cheech & Chong's movie Nice Dreams when Cheech attempts to be suave (ordering in French) by saying Hey gargoyle, more food!

  1. flessage n. Beer. Hey Gargoyle, how 'bout you pass me a couple of them there reebs?