apocryphal?v. The act of punching out a bouncer at the top of a bar stairway, and beating him to the bottom to make a hasty exit before he knows what hit him. (Of course, this would never really happen.)
bastardization of Legionnaire's Disease, obsoleten. A sickness suffered by QA technicians when their leader is absent. Occurs only on weekdays. Symptoms include confusion, disorientation, desire to be outdoors, constant music in ears, excessive humor, multiple manager phobia. JimH says too many chiefs, not enough indians.
n. The high-end LX product. This architecture was first developed on the Mac as the MX20, where the 20 refered to the maximum DRAM configuration of 20 Mb. The PC LX version could actually accommodate 32 Mb, but the name was not upgraded. Most notably, drove the LM1200.
acronymv.Long Edge First. Printing term describing the path of paper through the press or engine. LEF requires a larger width than SEF, although an engine such as the Unity 1200xl can print Letter-size pages LEF for free because it already uses the 11”-wide pathway for SEF Ledger-size pages.