
  1. n. Presence in the building. When someone stays late during crunch mode, it is often difficult to observe core hours the next day. Since the exact time of departure the night before may be unknown, the exact time of arrival in the morning cannot be predicted. Therefore people do not assume that someone is in by ten o'clock: Has there been a Rob sighting yet? rather than I'm trying to find Rob; do you know where he is?

  2. The first time James is seen in the morning, usually around 11:00 a.m. On occasion there is a group bet with the intent of guessing the time of first sighting, especially the morning after a release party (in which case the time is usually 1:00 or 2:00 p.m.). Each entry into the lottery costs 25 cents; the winner gets all the quarters and is the person who guesses the time the closest.