
  1. n. A mangler.

  1. n. A floppy disk shot in the manner of a ninja card. It is more difficult—but not impossible—to stick one in the ceiling (have a look at the ceiling in QA).

  1. n. A hole through the head produced by a 9mm bullet. Said to be needed for someone who has said, done, or produced something ridiculous.

  1. n. Vomit.

mini-cluds 1. n. Smaller version of a clud, the head of which is the size of a pea or a marble rather than a golfball. It does not generally hurt as much to be hit in the face with a mini clud.

  1. obsolete n. A form of basketball played in the CowDome in which a player attempts and rarely makes extremely stupid shots such as a backwards granny over the rafters and off the left wall. See also OlsonBall.

  1. flessage n. Skim milk.

  1. n. Alternate (but incorrect) name for Mark Wickham Commemorative Bump (because Mark has not died).

  1. obsolete n. The area of the R&D building where the Macintosh software engines live; the large room in the back of the 7178 section of the building. As of 1995, documentation lives there.

  1. n. A word whose letters have been reversed to form a new word, generally pronouncable. See fles.