obsolescentn. A vehicle with the smoking bit set on the way to and from lunch, especially to Bayon or mall buttfood.
interj. Bellowed with arms in the air to announce that the speaker is providing transportation and that persons with the smoking bit set should ride with the speaker and enjoy tubers together.
interj. A software engine's expression of mental and physical fitness, especially when asked, Dead Yet? by another software engine. This expression was derived from the Monty Python sketch in Holy Grail where the old man didn't want to go on the cart. I'm not dead yet.
v. The act of attempting to repair damage to your Macintosh hard disk with Norton Utilities for the Mac, usually resulting in the message Norton Utilities is unable to repair this disk.
obsolescentn. In some circles, a day to boycott shrimp toes and do the Bayon instead; prime referring to the factorization of the day of the month. In other circles, a day to boycott the boycotters and do shrimp toes anyway.