
  1. n. obsolete Larger conference room near the 7178 entrance. Named for the characteristic shape of the room. Part of it remains as the current QA conference room. Also known as L Room Hubbard.

  1. v. To defecate.

  1. n. Immodest name for a LaserMaster booth at a trade show. Named for the sheer size of the booth, which is typically 1,000 to 2,500 square feet.

  1. n. A company-wide social gathering hosted at a horse ranch a few miles south of Laser Prairie. The Pig-Nic is traditionally held in mid-September and features a pig roast, hayrides, horse rides, Karaoke, lots of beer, lots of buttfood, and a variety of outdoor activities such as football, the egg-toss, the floppy disk flip, and the exalted tug-of-war.

  1. obsolete n. LaserMaster's first PostScript clone, written and still in Muckula-2. The original version was written by LarryL over several long weekends (and nights).

  1. n. LX network printing solution implemented by a program that picks up DD/PI files output to a network directory and prints them. Also includes a large and unruly collection of setup and configuration utilities.

  1. obsolete n. Small room way, way back in the bowels of R&D wherein are kept sentimental trophies from trade shows past and other excursions of days gone by. All the cool stuff has since been taken away by the forces of evil, and the room converted to normal boring storage.

Bench with 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 printed on it 1. A group endeavor, typically by LMers who are attending a trade show, after an evening consuming LM Drink and becoming broken. The first special project was the geographical relocation of a very special Chicago park bench. Team LM "taking" the Adobe headquarters A later special project was the storming of the Adobe Headquarters sign in Mountain View, CA.

See Also LM Museum.

  1. bastardization n. Space Rogue, a PC video game. Also Space Rog.

  1. bastardization n. Space Rogue, a PC video game. Named for its eight-character directory name, SPACEROG. Also Space Rouge.