
  1. prefix. Exceptionally outstandingly super. For example, Ultra-mega-über Schwing!

  1. interj. The one-word vocabulary of an engineer too broken to say broken.
  2. Formal greeting when harried, tired, or broken.

  1. bastardization n. United Noodle, an Asian grocery store. Ed. note: The use of the word untied for united originated with Jon Carroll, who first used it in an article in the S. F. Chronicle to describe a method of donating money (withdraw $100 from an A.T.M. machine and give $20 to each of five homeless people) that was an antithesis of the United Way.

  1. v. To vomit (a lot), as in Dude, you look like you just did a major upload. So ya ready to drink some more?

  1. An all-in-one PostScript printer developed by LaserMaster, with host and controller contained on a single board, fitting within a Canon SX print engine.

  1. n. Codename for Unity during and after product development.

  1. acronym, obsolete n. LaserMaster Technical Support and Administration building, located at 7100 Sturdy Oak Road. Now occupied by Transition Engineering, a company to which many [suicides] have fled.

  1. n. A particularly nasty PostScript file. After DanH finally got it working correctly in Trimmage, LM dropped that PostScript interpreter, and now talespin is broken in the PipeLine PowerPage interpreter.

  1. v. Standing or otherwise able to fetch beer from the refrigerator or cooler. Chiefly a poker term. Who’s tall? Get me a beer. When everyone is either sitting or lying down, the “tallest” person must be standing, and therefore able to get a beer for everyone else.

  1. n. Indicates a quantity of drinks, usually beers to retrieve when tall. First person says, warp one, second person says, warp two, and so forth. Derived from Star Trek.